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Articles From
Citizenship Rights for all Immigrants
Don’t Beg, We Demand: Full Citizenship Rights
for All Immigrants!
No to the
Anti-Immigrant “Immigration Reform”
On June 27, the United States Senate approved
S. 744, the bipartisan bill touted as
“comprehensive immigration reform” and a “path
to citizenship” for the officially estimated
11 million undocumented immigrants living in
the U.S. Yet the Senate bill is a vicious
piece of anti-immigrant, police-state
legislation which will not provide a means of
achieving citizenship for the majority of
undocumented immigrant working people. It
would turn the Mexican border into a
militarized war zone, institute a “guest
worker” program amounting to indentured
servitude, throw immigrant workers out of
jobs, impose employment requirements leading
to a national identification card, and make
possible many millions more deportations than
Obama has already carried out. Democrats and
Republicans, representatives of capital, are
enemies of immigrants and workers. They will
not approve an immigration reform providing
full and equal rights for the millions of
workers who produce super-profits for the
bosses. So long as capital rules, immigrants
will be under attack. No
to the Anti-Immigrant “Immigration Reform”
(1 July 2013)
Immigration “Reform”: The
Big Swindle
There has been almost no
reference in the discussion of immigration
reform of a crucial aspect of how the
“bi-partisan” Senate plan would work. Many
have heard the basics: after handing over to
the immigration agency their personal data,
passing a background check by police, paying
a hefty fine, paying all back taxes, they
could get provisional status. Ten years
later they could apply for a permanent
residency and a few years later for
citizenship. But most people are not aware
that in order to qualify for a Green Card,
immigrants’ income would have to be 25%
above the official poverty level for all 10
years. Thus millions of low-wage
undocumented immigrants would not be
eligible even if they met all the other
criteria. .
“Reform”: The Big Swindle (May 2013)
Demand: Full Citizenship Rights for All
“Bipartisan” Immigration Reform Is A Fraud
Struggle Has No Borders
Phony plans for “immigration
reform” are the talk of the town in
Washington. Don’t be fooled by the hype. The
“reform” they are preparing will not be one
to benefit the estimated 11 million
undocumented immigrants in the United
States, but instead it will serve the
interests of the capitalists who profit from
their labor. In addition, it will involve
ominous attacks on civil liberties and labor
rights affecting everyone in the U.S. And it
won’t just be because “reformers” are
capitulating to the xenophobic,
immigrant-bashing right-wingers. The
liberal, supposedly “immigrant-friendly”
Democrats have unleashed even more
repression against the foreign-born than the
conservative Republicans ever did. What is
emerging is a “reform” that would tell the
police where to find the undocumented, could
well increase unemployment for immigrants,
would lead to an expansion of government
police control and at most, for a hefty
price, would gain the status of indentured
servants or being on probation. This is what
the Democrats and “mainstream” immigrants’
rights groups want to cheer about. Not us
Marxists. We demand full citizenship rights
for all immigrants. A real fight for
immigrants’ rights must be a fight against
capital, which profits enormously from the
present situation in which millions of
workers have no legal rights, and which
seeks to garner even greater profits by
“legalizing” them. Obama’s
“Bipartisan” Immigration Reform Is A
Fraud (April 2013)
No to “Secure
Communities” in NY – Stop the ICE
Protest Obama’s Mass Deportations of
The federal government of President
Barack Obama has announced that it is
overriding state objections to impose
its “Secure Communities” mass
deportation program on New York,
Massachusetts and several other states
starting on Tuesday, May 15. There
should be a massive mobilization
against this outrageous attack on
immigrant working people. A protest
has been announced for Monday, May 14,
from 12 to 2 p.m. at the Federal
Building in downtown Manhattan. We
urge people to attend to show their
outrage. But while demonstration
organizers call for timid “immigration
reform,” we oppose all cooperation
with the migra immigration
cops, and call for full citizenship
rights for all immigrants.
Obama’s Mass Deportations of Immigrants
May 2012)
Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants!
Deportation Elections 2012:
For a
Revolutionary Workers Party!
May Day, the
international workers day, since the massive
marches in 2006 has become the day of struggle of
immigrant workers as well. On May Day 2012, the
American presidential election campaign is well
underway. In the Republican primaries, each
candidate tried to be more reactionary than the
other. The virtual nominee, Mitt Romney, has
called for immigrants to "self-deport." Democratic
president Barack Obama, meanwhile, is trying to
outdo the Republicans in imperialist war abroad
and police-state repression "at home." Even as he
appeals for the Hispanic vote by again promising
to make immigration reform a priority after
reelection, Obama has deported 400,000 immigrants
a year, far more than his Republican predecessor
ever did, earning him the title "Mr. Deportation."
The Internationalist Group fights for full
citizenship rights for all immigrants, to break
with the capitalist parties and build a
revolutionary workers party. Deportation
2012: For a Revolutionary Workers Party!
Shut the Detention Camps – Free
the Detainees!
Mobilize Workers, Immigrants to
Stop the Deportations!
Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants
A “megamarch” for immigrants’ rights was held in
Washington, D.C. on March 21 that brought out
over 200,000 people, making it the largest
immigrant demonstration since 2006. Pushing the
theme “We March for America,” organizers handed
out little American flags to participants. A
parade of Democratic Congressmen spoke from the
podium. Despite the flag-waving and hundreds of
thousands demonstrators chanting (in English)
Obama's campaign slogan “Yes we can,” the
capitalist politicians are not going to do
anything to legalize the more than 15 million
undocumented immigrants in this mid-term
election year. Even if they do eventually pass
an immigration bill, it will only further
victimize the super-exploited workers. The
Internationalist Group put out a bi-lingual
special issue of The Internationalist
emphasizing that Democrats and Republicans are
enemies of immigrants, and we need a
revolutionary workers party
Mobilize Workers, Immigrants to Stop the
Deportations! (21 March 2010)
Mobilize Workers Against Racist
Arizona Anti-Immigrant Law!
Democrats’ “Concept” of Immigration
“Reform”: A Police State
The passage of
a spectacularly racist immigration law by
the Arizona state senate on April 19, and
its signing into law by the governor four
days later, has provoked a wave of justified
outrage. The new law (SB1070) authorizes
police to stop people on the street to
demand that they produce documents to prove
their immigration status. This means blatant
“racial profiling” by the cops: in Arizona,
anyone who “looks Mexican” is now subject to
arrest. Comparisons are made to the racial
laws of Nazi Germany, South African
apartheid pass laws and the fugitive slave
acts in pre-Civil War United States. Many
are calling on the federal government to
annul the racist law. Yet the federal
government under Barack Obama is the biggest
jailer of immigrants. Under the present
administration the number of deportations
has sharply escalated. The Democrats’ talk
of immigration reform is a cruel hoax. The
centerpiece of the “conceptual framework on
immigration” drawn up by New York senator
Schumer is increased militarization of the
border, more migra cops and a national ID
card with biometric data: in short, a police
state for all. The Internationalist Group
calls on workers to mobilize against
Arizona’s racist immigration law and for
full citizenship rights for all immigrants.
Against Racist Arizona Anti-Immigrant Law
May 2010)
Racist Arizona Law, Obama’s Border Patrol
Kills Mexicans
Blood on the Border
with Democrats and Republicans, Capitalist
Parties of War and Repression!
Forge a Revolutionary Workers Party!
Today in the United
States, under the Democratic administration of
Barack Obama, xenophobic and racist violence is
escalating. The criminal agents of the Border
Patrol have reached the point of killing in cold
blood, before the eyes of hundreds of witnesses.
On May 28, construction worker Anastasio Hernández
Rojas was beaten to death by some 20 agents of the
U.S. Border Patrol. Then on June 7 in Ciudad
Juárez, across the river from El Paso, Border
Patrol agents fired into a group of youths on the
Mexican side of of the border, murdering
14-year-old Adrián Hernández with a shot to the
head. These crimes are part of a policy of racist
repression looking for scapegoats, typified by the
legalization of xenophobia and police use of
racial profiling in Arizona’s SB 1070 law. But
while Obama criticized the law and demonstrators
chanted, “Obama, listen, we are in the struggle,”
his thugs are killing on the border. It is an
illusion to think that the commander in chief of
U.S. imperialism, or his counterpart and
semi-colonial underling, Mexican president Felipe
Calderón, will defend the workers. It is necessary
to mobilize the power of the working class to
defend immigrants. Blood
the Border (10 June 2010)
Mob Murder on Long Island
Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants!
Just before midnight
Saturday, November 8, an Ecuadorian immigrant
worker, Marcelo Lucero was brutally beaten and
then stabbed to death by a lynch mob of drunken
teenagers in Patchogue, Long Island. This is not
an isolated incident but part of a pattern of
racist violence against immigrants on the
island, and in Suffolk County in particular
where the county executive has made
immigrant-bashing his election trademark and
police regularly harass Latino residents. It was
the latest of a number of deadly anti-immigrant
attacks taking place as the federal government
intensifies deportation raids across the
country. And it came only days after the
election of Barack Obama, the first black
president in the history of the United States.
Various immigrant rights groups pretend that the
Democratic president will provide immigrants
with a “path to citizenship.” Yet both of the
partner parties of American capitalism are in a
frenzy to “control U.S. borders” and treat
immigrants as the “enemy within” as they wage
imperialist war from Afghanistan and Iraq to
Latin America. It is up to the workers movement
and all defenders of immigrant and minority
rights to stop the lynchers and the racist
rulers. Lynch
Mob Murder on Long Island November
Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants
Mobilize Union Power to Block the Raids
Haven: Break ICE Terror with Militant Class
Monday, June 4, the New Haven Board of Aldermen
passed a local ordinance to provide undocumented
immigrants a city-issued photo ID card. Barely 36
hours later, the federal government responded by
carrying out a first-ever immigration raid in the
Connecticut city. The ICE Gestapo barged into
homes, grabbing entire families, picked people off
the streets without so much as a warrant, and
terrorized the entire neighborhood, home to many
immigrant workers. The New Haven raids were a
brutal reminder from the feds that the issue is
power. After years of futile lobbying for
“immigration reform” from Democrats in Congress,
many liberals and reformists have turned their
sights to more modest local initiatives for
“sanctuary cities” and the like. “Stop the Raids!”
say demonstrators’ signs. Yes, but how? It will
take mass mobilization of labor power. New
Break ICE Terror with Militant Class Struggle
(16 June 2007)
Protest NYU Republicans’ Racist “Illegal
Immigrant” Hunt
On February 22, College Republicans at
New York University (NYU) staged a blatant racist
provocation – a “game” of “catch the illegal
immigrant.” This was only the latest chapter in a
nationwide campaign by campus right-wingers. The
grotesque stunt unleashed an outpouring of anger
among NYU students and many others. More than 400
protesters turned out and kept up a steady din for
three hours, chanting, picketing and drowning out
the handful of racist vigilantes. The
Internationalist Group carried signs calling for
“Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants,”
“Mobilize NYC Labor to Defend Immigrant Workers”
and “Sweep Racist Vigilantes Off the Streets!” Hundreds
Protest NYU Republicans’ Racist “Illegal
Immigrant” Hunt (23 February 2007)