DSA’s AOC and “Squad” Vote to Ban Rail Strike
Party Strikebreakers
Shackle Railroad Workers
Rip Up
the Railway Labor Act with a Powerful Rail / Truck
/ Port Strike!
with the Bosses’ Parties and Politicians – Build a
Workers Party!

Freight train departing from switching yard in
Galesburg, Illinois, June 2021. In the name of “economic
stability,” Democratic president Biden and
Democrat-controlled Congress imposed contract with no
paid sick leave after a majority of railroad workers
voted against it. Capitalist Democrats are no “friends
of labor.”
(Safkat Anowar
/ AP)
At the beginning of December, some 115,000 railroad
workers were poised to walk off the job, tying up 40% of
all U.S. freight, at the height of the holiday shopping
season. A majority had voted against a Tentative
Agreement (TA) that outrageously did not include even
one paid sick day. A major labor battle was posed.
Instead, Democrat Joe Biden, who proclaimed himself the
“most pro-union president you’ve ever seen,” signed
legislation passed by Democrats in both houses of
Congress, imposing a presidentially dictated contract
and banning a strike. This blatant strikebreaking
sums up countless reasons why the capitalist Democratic
Party is a noose around the neck of labor. This
underlines why workers urgently need to break
with all the bosses’ parties and build
a class-struggle workers party to lead the
battles of all the oppressed.
A Showdown Between Labor and
Capital Posed
Unionized rail workers in the United States had been
working for three years without a contract. Even before
that, over the last six years, the freight rail
companies slashed their workforce by nearly 45,000
workers – almost 30% of the total. There were 20,000
laid off in 2019 alone. This job-destroying operation is
the product of the Precision Scheduled Railroading (PSR)
system, the gospel of today’s railroad owners. Cutting
down on idle time for freight cars, it has led to longer
trains (often two miles long or more) with two-person
crews (formerly five) working killer schedules. It also
means fewer inspections, deteriorating track and more
accidents affecting workers and passengers, while
shippers complain of deteriorating service. Providing
time-off benefits contradicts railroads’ whole business
strategy. So the bosses flat-out refuse.
PSR sacrifices safety, service and railroaders’ working
lives and livelihoods to maximize profits. The seven
Class I railroads (BNSF, Canadian National Railway,
Canadian Pacific, CSX, Kansas City Southern, Norfolk
Southern and Union Pacific) are awash in money. The
business news site Bloomberg (3 August 2022)
reported: “Adjusted operating [profit] margins for the
five largest U.S. railroads were 41% last year, compared
with 29% 10 years ago and 15% less than a couple of
decades ago.” Meanwhile, payouts to shareholders have
skyrocketed. A New Yorker1
article reports that “Between 2011 and 2021, the big
railroads spent a hundred and ninety-one billion dollars
on dividends and stock buybacks, which was far more than
the hundred and thirty-eight billion dollars they spent
on capital investments in the industry’s

From Cornelius Vanderbilt (left) and Jay Gould (center)
to Warren Buffett, owner of the BNSF railroad, cutthroat
robber barons all.
Wikipedia; Library of Congress; Philip Morigi)
Like the original railroad barons, Jay Gould, Cornelius
Vanderbilt, Leland Stanford, et al, today’s lords of the
rails are cutthroats. Warren Buffett, owner of the BNSF
line, sometimes puts on populist airs, like when he said
back in the 1980s, “There’s class warfare, all right,
but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war,
and we’re winning.” They still are. Increasingly, Wall
Street financial operators are milking the railroads as
cash cows.2 Like the
deregulation of the airlines by the Democratic Carter
administration, the Staggers Rail Act of 1980 (named for
Democratic congressman Harley Staggers) let railroads
shut down unprofitable lines and determine freight rates
(previously set by the Interstate Commerce Commission).
So while in 1976 there were 63 Class I railroads, now
there are seven, controlling over 80% of the market.3
Railroaders were deemed “essential workers” and toiled
through the COVID-19 pandemic without a break. With
reduced numbers, their workload increased sharply in
2021-22 as huge backlogs developed in the just-in-time
supply chain. In addition to layoffs, many rail workers
resigned before retirement as their working conditions
grew worse and worse. Glass Door, the job evaluation web
site, rated Union Pacific and Norfolk Southern the two
absolute worst U.S. companies to work for, and a third
railroad (CSX) as No. 5. By this past summer the push
for better contracts was building up a head of steam
among rail workers. When rail unions rejected binding
arbitration on June 16, a 30-day “cooling-off” period
began, during which strikes are prohibited under the
1926 Railway Labor Act (RLA).
Then on July 15, President Biden appointed a
Presidential Emergency Board (PEB), which began a second
“cooling-off” period, this time for 60 days, under the
elaborate provisions of the RLA. Ever since the Great
Railroad Strike of 1877 (which sparked a general strike
in St. Louis and week-long union control of East St
Louis) was broken by company goon squads, state militias
and U.S. troops, railroad labor has been tightly
regulated by federal law. After World War I, the Railway
Labor Board slashed workers wages by 12% and outlawed a
1922 rail strike. As the unions refused to deal with
that Board, the RLA was passed to impose a regime of
supposedly “neutral” arbitration and, ultimately,
presidential control. By mid-September 2022, the rail
union chiefs were plenty “cooled off” while many in the
ranks were hot under the collar.

President Joe Biden with negotiators who brokered the
rail labor “agreement” with no paid sick days, September
15. Rail workers voted it down, Biden and Congress
imposed it.
Lamarque / Reuters)
On September 15, Biden proclaimed with much fanfare
that an agreement had been reached, one day before the
strike ban expired. The new “agreement” between the
Association of American Railroads and leaders of the 12
rail unions was brokered Biden’s labor secretary Marty
Walsh, the former mayor of Boston and one-time skilled
trades construction union leader. It included a 24% wage
increase over five years starting in 2020 (when the last
contract expired). That averages out to 4.8% per year,
while the current rate of inflation is 7.7% – so the
“pay hike” amounts to a pay cut! Above all, this
contract – now imposed by Biden and the Democratic-led
Congress – provides for one additional paid
“personal day” off and no paid sick leave.
(Members of Congress have unlimited paid sick leave.)
Within days, the members of the Brotherhood of
Maintenance of Way Employes (BMWED) and the Brotherhood
of Railway Signalmen (BRS) voted “no,” as did the
International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB) in
October. Although the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers and Trainmen (BLET, which along with the BMWED
is part of the Teamsters), with 24,000 members, ratified
the deal based on the “recommendations” of the PEB, the
White House got really nervous when on November 21 the
International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and
Transportation Workers (SMART-TD), the largest rail
union, representing 28,000 conductors, brakemen, yardmen
and others, gave the thumbs down to Biden’s shotgun
deal. If even one of the unions picketed rail yards, the
other rail unions pledged to honor the pickets.
The stage was set for an epic showdown between labor
and capital, between the workers and the bosses. Once
again, the bosses won – thanks to the actions of the
capitalist Democratic Party, which is backed by the
leadership of almost all sectors of the railroad unions.
As bargaining went nowhere, the railroads turned to the
politicians. With the unions hamstrung by the Railway
Labor Act – which since 1936, thanks to Democratic
president Franklin D. Roosevelt, also includes airline
workers – once the Democrat-controlled Congress acted to
make a strike illegal, that was it. Game over. Or is it?
That assumes everyone plays by the bosses’ rules, which
means that workers are sure to lose. But it doesn’t have
to be that way. As the Internationalist Group has
underlined time and again, labor’s gotta play
hardball to win.
Democrats, Including the DSA
“Squad”: Strikebreakers and War-Makers

Strikebreakers: DSA Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of
“The Squad” and right-wing Republican Marco Rubio as
strike ban law was railroaded through Congress. Fox
Business News headlined: “AOC, Rubio Find Common
(Photos: Bill
Clark / CQ-Roll Call; Anna Moneymaker/ Getty)
On Monday, November 28, Joe Biden called on Congress to
act. Two days later, on November 30, after piously
lamenting the rail bosses’ “obscene profits [made] on
the backs of workers,” Democratic House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi declared, “Let me be clear: a nationwide rail
shutdown would be catastrophic.” That night, the House
voted overwhelmingly to deny rail workers the right to
strike, while 136 Republicans, for their own reactionary
reasons, voted against bill. Among those voting for the
strike-ban bill (Joint Resolution 100) imposing a rotten
contract on rail workers – wielding the bosses’
anti-labor law to suppress the workers’ right to
strike – were “progressive” Democratic
Congress members Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cori Bush and
Jamaal Bowman, members of the Democratic Socialists of
America (DSA).4 The DSA
Democrats and their fellow members of “The Squad” are in
fact capitalist politicians, and now certified
strikebreakers … as well as imperialist war-makers,
having voted for Biden’s $40 billion arms and economic
support (and subsequent aid packages) to arm and finance
Ukraine spearheading the NATO-provoked war with Russia.
In a “CYA” (cover your ass) piece of parliamentary
theatrics, the “progressives” got Pelosi to go for a
second bill, calling for seven days of paid sick leave,
which was also approved by the House. This was a
completely cynical ploy, since Pelosi, AOC and the rest
– while doing the dirty work of backing Biden in
fastening the RLA’s chains on the workers to
“illegalize” their very right to strike – knew that this
“seven-day” bill would never make it through the Senate.
So on December 1, the Senate passed the strikebreaking
bill and, sure enough, there were no sick days. On
December 2, Biden signed it into law, a week before the
strike deadline. Who says Washington can’t get anything
done? Strikebreaking is bipartisan. When bottom-line
class interests are at stake, the legislative and
executive branches of government and the feuding
capitalist parties can move with lightning speed.
The imposition by a Democratic-led Congress and a
Democratic president of a strikebreaking contract which
had been voted down by the unions’ membership is proof
positive that the Democrats are no “friends of labor,”
as they sometimes claim to be. This is already
reverberating in the unions, as even the bourgeois
mainstream media have noticed. The New York Times (27
December) headlined, “‘Most Pro-Union President’ Runs
Into Doubts in Labor Ranks.” Some commentators noted
that, “Having played the Biden card, union leaders were
left with nothing” (The Intercept, 11 December).
An Open Letter to President Biden and Labor Secretary
Walsh by over 500 historians makes many of the same
points. But instead of calling to break from the
Democrats, they urged the Dems to ensure a
contract with paid sick days for rail workers.
How did that work out for workers?
Many in the rail union said they were “disappointed” in
Biden, having hoped he would “do the right thing” by the
workers. Yet in announcing the strikebreaking law, Biden
said it “was the right thing to do” to “keep the economy
on a stable footing,” fight inflation, etc. The
Democratic president “did the right thing” for the
interests of his class – the boss class. It goes
beyond Biden’s posturing and the Democrats’
grandstanding – the fact is that this capitalist
party is a class enemy of workers. Moreover, the
state they are an integral part of is no neutral arbiter
but the armed fist of capital. This was laid out by Karl
Marx and Friedrich Engels in the Communist Manifesto
(1848), which stated that “The executive of the modern
state is but a committee for managing the common affairs
of the bourgeoisie,” that is, the capitalist ruling
As for the 500+ historians who called on the rulers of
this state to “use the full force of their formal and
informal powers” to support railroad workers, V.I. Lenin
could have been speaking to them when he wrote, in The
State and Revolution (1917), of “the
petty-bourgeois and philistine professors and
publicists” who “correct” Marx by trying “to make it
appear that the state is an organ for the reconciliation
of classes.” On the contrary, Lenin insisted: “According
to Marx, the state is an organ of class rule, an organ
for the oppression of one class by another; it is the
creation of ‘order,’ which legalizes and perpetuates
this oppression by moderating the conflict between
classes.” Any “moderating” of the class conflict is for
the purpose of “depriving the oppressed classes of
definite means and methods of struggle to overthrow the
Union Bureaucracy: Labor
Lieutenants of Capital

Union leaders Dennis Pierce of the BLET (left) and
Jeremy Ferguson of SMART-TD in October video pushing the
no-sick-pay contract negotiated under Biden's
Presidential Emergency Board. Days after the Democrats
imposed the contract, the BLET membership ousted Pierce
in favor of a candidate who campaigned against it.
(Photo: BLET / IBT)
This brings us to the role of the pro-capitalist union
bureaucracy … and the reformist opposition. In
September, the leaders of all 12 rail unions approved
the government-brokered contract that the rank and file
is now saddled with. When four unions and the majority
of rail workers rejected the pact, it should have been
the signal for immediate, although long overdue,
preparation for a strike. Instead, SMART-TD president
Jeremy Ferguson stated “This can all be settled through
negotiations and without a strike. A settlement would be
in the best interests of the workers, the railroads,
shippers and the American people.”5
In other words, he was pleading with the administration
to take him off the hook. In toeing the line laid down
by the rail barons and banning a strike, Biden, Walsh
and Congressional Democrats also gave pro-capitalist
labor “leaders” like Ferguson his wish.
Even after Biden had signed the no-strike,
no-sick-leave law, on December 9, when no trains should
have been moving, the AFL-CIO Transportation Trades
Department stated: “The fight to guarantee paid sick
leave for rail workers is not over and we will not back
down until we win. We are committed to aggressively
pursuing further action by both parties in Congress and
the President, including the strategic use of
legislation and Administration action….”6
Oh, great: more hat-in-hand appeals to the bosses’
politicians who denied rail workers their most basic
right – the right to withhold their labor! Instead of
preparing the ranks for a fight, these misleaders
of labor are still seeking to pressure the bosses’
government. This is the model of “business unionism,” in
which labor leaders see their role as providing a stable
and disciplined workforce for the bosses to exploit.
It is important to stress that the union bureaucracy is
not just a bunch of sellouts who are pushovers for the
bosses, personally corrupt – or not – but is a
petty-bourgeois social layer seeking to balance between
the union ranks and the bosses. It is this layer that
the U.S. socialist Daniel De Leon referred to in 1900 as
“capital’s labor lieutenants.” Although they sit atop
the unions, which are workers organizations that they
are sometimes obliged to defend (if only to protect
their own privileged positions), their fundamental
loyalties are to the capitalist system. So when Ronald
Reagan targeted the PATCO air controllers union in the
early 1980s, the rest of the labor bureaucracy stood by
and in many cases even helped break their strike. Ever
since, one union gain after another has been destroyed
and many unions broken, with hardly any resistance from
the union tops.
Moreover, this pro-capitalist labor bureaucracy was put
in power by the capitalist rulers, with the Democrats in
the forefront, in the “red purge” that ousted communist
and socialist union leaders at the onset of the
post-WWII anti-Soviet Cold War. This was part of a
broader pattern. In his unfinished essay “Trade
in the Epoch of Imperialist Decay” (1940), Leon
Trotsky, who together with Lenin led the 1917 Bolshevik
Revolution in Russia, wrote that, “There is one common
feature in the development, or more correctly the
degeneration, of modern trade union organizations in the
entire world: it is their drawing closely to and growing
together with the state power.” Trotsky’s answer was not
to write off the unions but to fight for a revolutionary
program within them:
“The primary slogan for this struggle is:
complete and unconditional independence of the trade
unions in relation to the capitalist state…. The trade
unions of our time can either serve as secondary
instruments of imperialist capitalism for the
subordination and disciplining of workers and for
obstructing the revolution, or, on the contrary, the
trade unions can become the instruments of the
revolutionary movement of the proletariat.”
Unless oppositionists in the unions adopt a
class-struggle program based on mobilizing the power of
workers and the oppressed in revolutionary struggle
against capitalism, they will face the prospect of
ending up like the sellout leaders they are seeking to
replace. The decaying capitalist system, which is
systematically destroying past gains, has no room for
enduring reforms and can only survive by driving down
the living standards of those whose labor it exploits to
generate its profits. What’s happening to railroad
workers is happening to working people across the
country and throughout the capitalist world. As an
Internationalist Group sign at a December 8
solidarity-with-railroad-workers rally at New York
City’s Grand Central Station read: “Sellout Union Tops
Roll Over for Democratic Party Strikebreaking – Rail
Workers Need Class-Struggle Leadership.”
Oust the Bureaucrats, Break with
the Democrats, Build a Workers Party!
This is a very different perspective than that being
put forward by oppositions in the railroad unions today.
That many rail workers want to fight is clear. Recently,
the BLET division of the Teamsters elected a new
president, Eddie Hall, who campaigned against the
tentative agreement agreed to by his predecessor,
criticizing the fact that the union leaders didn’t
strike after it was (finally) legal to do so. In the
BMWED, the Rank and File United (RFU) caucus criticized
the TA, but didn’t take an official position against it,
while Railroad Workers United (RWU), which is active in
several unions, campaigned against it. But what none of
them did was to say it’s time to hit the bricks, now,
rather than looking to the White House and Congress.
Instead, they sought to maneuver with the “progressive”
Democrats in Congress and their seven-days-sick-pay

Railroad Workers United demonstrate in Chicago.
(Photo: RWU)
The Intercept quotes Ross Grooters of the RWU
saying that rail workers weren’t “concerned about the
Squad” and its vote to impose the contract. He went on:
“Is it strike-breaking on the one hand? Yes. But it’s a
distraction from the work that needs to happen,” calling
criticisms of Bowman and other DSAers “misplaced.”
(Grooters is a DSA city council member in Pleasant Hill,
Iowa.) The RWU, RFU and other rail union oppositionists
were at the Labor Notes conference in Chicago in June,
where they met others in this milieu working in league
with, if not directly in, the Democratic Party.7
In a Labor Notes (2 December) article titled
“What Would It Take for Rail Workers to Win?” Grooters
refers to Sarah Nelson of the flight attendants union
having “found ways to work within the RLA,” with rolling
strikes and the like.
But to win, rail workers and all workers will have to
go up against the government, prepared to defy
back-to-work injunctions, strike bans and the whole
arsenal of anti-labor laws meant to hogtie the unions
(Taft-Hartley bans on “secondary strikes,” Supreme Court
prohibition of sit-down strikes, state legislation like
New York’s Taylor Law outlawing strikes by public
workers, etc.). In the past, some hard-knuckle union
leaders have stared down judges and presidents, like
United Mineworkers leader John L. Lewis, who called coal
miners out on strike – three times – in 1943 in the
middle of the imperialist World War II. “You can’t mine
coal with bayonets,” Lewis defiantly declared. But Lewis
was no class-struggle militant and ended up supporting
the Republicans in the 1944 elections, eventually
knuckling under to the state.

Internationalists in December 8 solidarity with railroad
workers march in New York City's Grand Central Station.
(Internationalist photo)
A fighting union leadership must be built on a program
of militant class struggle down the line. While
reformists talk of “public ownership” of the rail lines
– like Amtrak! – a class-struggle opposition would call
for expropriating the robber barons who own the
railroads, and would enforce workers
control, beginning with union safety
committees empowered to shut down
unsafe working conditions. The rail bosses
are once again on a tear trying to impose one-worker
crews – on giant trains, often with more than 200
freight cars – ultimately aiming for driver-less trains.
The RWU has a perceptive article8
detailing how reducing crews to a single person is a
huge safety danger. But what may soon be posed is the
need for an all-out rail strike to stop one-person
crews, defying everything the capitalist state can throw
at strikers.
That underlines the fact that it will take a
revolutionary leadership to win! Railroad
workers cannot defeat the bosses and their government
working “within the RLA.” As an Internationalist Group
speaker at the New York December 8 solidarity rally
noted: “We need to bust that union-busting law, by
shutting it down, with the power of the rail workers,
the MTA [transit] workers and the Teamsters, who also
have a contract coming up soon.” To break the chains of
the infamous Railway Labor Act, class-conscious workers
should fight for an all-out national
transportation strike, including railroad
workers, airline workers, dock workers (the West Coast
ILWU is working without a contract), the port truckers
and the Teamster truckers. This is also the kind of militant
mobilization of workers power that could unionize
Amazon, as well as Walmart and other
virulently anti-union chains. Then, in the words of IWW
(Industrial Workers of the World) agitator Joe Hill,
quoted by the IG speaker:
“If the workers take a notion they can stop
all speeding trains; Every ship upon the ocean, they can
tie with mighty chains. Every wheel in the creation,
every mine and every mill; Fleets and armies of the
nation, will at their command stand still.”

American Railroad Union president Eugene V. Debs (below,
right) led the 1894 Pullman railroad strike defying
injunctions and violent strikebreaking.
(Photos: public domain;
Harper's Weekly)

To wage and win such a battle, it is necessary to
overcome craft divisions and form one big
fighting railroad union united in struggle
with other transportation workers. A genuine
class-struggle union would necessarily take action to make
solidarity a reality, embracing the slogan
of the IWW (and the ILWU): “An injury to one is an
injury to all.” The ILWU gave expression to this mighty
call by shutting down every port on the U.S. (and
Canadian!) West Coast on Juneteenth (June 19) in 2020
denouncing police brutality and systemic racism. Among
railroad workers, the fight against racial oppression
and for full equality is crucial today as it was in
1894, when the strike of the Pullman rail car workers
was undercut by the refusal of the American Railway
Union (ARU) to accept black sleeping car porters as
ARU president and future socialist leader Eugene Debs
was jailed for leading that strike. We Trotskyists have
taken Debs to task for his statement that socialists
“have nothing special to offer the Negro” – the
quintessential expression of a “color-blind” outlook of
the left wing of labor, as against the racist,
exclusionary right wing. Yet Debs strongly opposed
racial discrimination and fought at the 1894 ARU
convention against the exclusion of black workers.9
He was jailed again – under the Espionage Act! – for his
courageous opposition to the imperialist World War I.
Eugene V. Debs was an honorable socialist, the polar
opposite of the DSA today, which is an
organization of strikebreakers and war-makers.
Running for president from his jail cell, Debs declared
in 1919: “From the crown of my head to the soles of my
feet I am Bolshevik, and proud of it.”

Unlike today's DSA Democrats, who are strikebreakers and
war-makers, Debs was an honorable socialist who was
imprisoned for leading the 1894 Pullman strike and again
in 1918 for opposing imperialist World War I.
(Internationalist photo)
Joe Biden’s use of the Railway Labor Act to block a
strike by railroad workers was hardly the first time
that Democrats have used the power of the capitalist
state against the workers. In the coal strike of 1978,10
Democratic president Jimmy Carter used the Taft-Hartley
Act to repeatedly issue injunctions trying to block a
mine strike and force miners to accept a sellout
contract, which they repeatedly tore up and burned. The
miners finally gave in for lack of a class-struggle
leadership to oust the UMWA’s “reform” president Arnold
Miller, who came to office in a Labor Department
supervised election of the sort pushed by Labor Notes
and Teamsters for a Democratic Union. Once in office
thanks to the feds, the government owned him – as they
did with TDU-backed Ron Carey, until jailing him for
funneling dollars to Democrats.
Concluding his remarks at the December 8 rally, the
Internationalist speaker asked the crowd, “Is Joe Biden
a strikebreaker?” The crowd yelled the answer, “Yes!” He
continued: “Is the Democratic Party strikebreakers?”
Again, the answer was “Yes!” Well, then, he went on,
“Are we going to remain silent about the DSA ‘Squad’ who
voted for this?” The crowd responded, “No!” The IG
speaker concluded: “Hell no!. We need to break with the
Democrats and Republicans and build a fight workers
party!” That struggle for a workers party and a workers
government is the program that is needed for railroad
workers, and all working, poor and oppressed people, to
win. ■